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LIGN 152: Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Home


This online guide was specifically created for this course to help you complete your grammar project assignment.

Required Text


Required Reading


Recommended Texts

There are two ebook copies of California Indian Languages by Victor Golla:

  • If you aren't able to access the copy through one link, try the other.
  • Be sure you're on the VPN or on-campus network first.


There are two print copies of Flutes of Fire by Leanne Hinton:

(Click here to check availability)

What is a Reference Grammar?

Reference Grammar vs Pedagogical Grammar

From the SIL Glossary of Linguistic Terms

Off-Campus Access

If you are off campus:

To access many of our resources that are not available to the general public, you must use VPN/Cisco Anyconnect to access them.


If you are on-campus:

Be sure you are connected on the campus network, either via ResNet in the residence halls or campus apartments, or the UCSD-PROTECTED Wifi Network elsewhere on campus. Do not use the UCSD Guest Wifi network; it will not connect you to our electronic resources.


Information on downloading and troubleshooting the VPN.