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MMW 15 The Contemporary Era: Conflict and Aspirations in a Globalized World

20th-21st Century

Should my topic be about a human rights issue or a specific event related to human rights?

Your topic and newspaper articles should all be about a specific human rights related event.

My topic is too broad. How do I narrow it down?

Remember that you're looking for a single event to focus on. You can provide a broader context for the event in your paper, but you'll want to look at key events within the broader topic that were covered in the global media. Choose one of those key events as your main topic.

I don't pay attention to the news, so how can I pick a topic?

You'll need to read up on current events related to human rights violations in order to select a topic for this assignment.

Can't you just provide a list of topics for me to choose from?

No. Part of the assignment is for you to conduct research and choose an appropriate topic for yourself.

What do I do if I can't find articles about my topic published on multiple continents?

If your topic didn't receive global news coverage then it's not a good topic for this assignment, and you'll need to select a different topic. 

What should I do if I can find articles on my topic published in reputable newspapers, but not newspapers on the approved list?

You can only use articles from newspapers on the approved list. If there aren't articles on your topic published in enough of the approved sources to meet the minimum requirements for the assignment, you need to choose a different topic.

What should I do if I can't find articles on my topic published in the last 12 months?

One of the requirements of the assignment is to choose a topic that has been covered in the global media within the past year. If there are no articles published within the timeframe, you'll need to choose a different topic.