To get started with BrowZine, install the app (or go to, select UC San Diego from the list of campuses, then follow the instructions to create your account. You must be on the VPN or campus protected wifi network.
Dates vary, but some historical coverage as far back as 1690. More than 5000 sources worldwide, including nearly 1500 in the U.S. Many historical newspapers are in digitized image form. Largely newspapers, with newswires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, videos.
Metropolitan business news coverage across 44 U.S. geographies, including Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, Sacramento, and San Francisco. Typical contents include articles on businesses and regional economies, events, and the annual Book of Lists publications culled from weekly compilations of top organizations within a metro area. This resource is great for studying competitors/partners or job-seeking. Quick links:
Note: Southern CA business news for San Diego, Orange County and additional Los Angeles regional titles are covered on other platforms. See this guide for those direct links.