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Market Research & Entrepreneurship: Company & Industry News

Your guide for entrepreneurship & market research resources for Lab-to-Market classes & other activities using UC San Diego Library resources.

Trade News & Regional Business News Sources

Scanning Your Regulatory Environment? Think Newsletters

Nexis Uni has nearly 1000 fulltext online newsletters that provide constantly-updated analysis about the regulatory environment of business and Washington policy making. This timely content is uncovered simply by doing a News search on the Nexis Uni home page.

You also may limit your search specifically to these newsletters by path: Advanced Search limit to newsletters focused on company activities and management.

Example: Inside Washington Publishers group contains 25+ titles on a range of topics, including – California Energy & Climate Report, Clean Energy Report, Health Exchange Alert, Inside Cal/EPA, Inside EPA Weekly Report, Inside Health Reform, Inside US-China Trade, Water Policy Report, and more. 

Although you can search across all of them inside the Newsletters search in Nexis Uni, some titles have direct links:

Company Directories & Lists

These resources help you do quick company look-ups and/or create lists based on criteria like 'give me all the companies in San Diego that have under 250 employees.'

Special Resources: Regional "Books of Lists" & Business News Sources

Many North American regional business publications have list features in their weekly publications that are devoted to the top companies or organizations on a particular topic or industry, like top women-owned businesses, top accounting firms, largest employers in... (name a city)., etc. These weekly lists are compiled annually into a Book of Lists for a city or region.

There are two main publishers of these weeklies, and their contents are incorporated into at least one of our subscription resources, Bizjournals, MasterFile Premier and Gale Business Insights. Southern CA local publications are listed below. You'll have to experiment to find similar publications in another region.

Note: not all of the most recent BoL issues are available yet. They will be updated here as they become available. Use the "latest rankings articles" in the meantime.

cover of the San Diego Book of Lists

Additional San Diego Business News Feeds