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Skip to Main ContentAssociated Students UCSD and UC San Diego Library have partnered to bring complimentary NYTimes.com access to current students, faculty, and staff beginning January 1, 2022
Follow the steps shown in the box below to create your own free account. With registration complete you can access the newspaper site directly or via its downloadable app. Faculty and staff registrants under this campus academic pass program will receive accounts good for four years, renewable upon expiration by re-validation with campus domain e-mail. New student participants will receive accounts good through December 31 of the graduation year entered during the online registration process.
To Activate Your Account:
1. While either connecting from a campus computer, using UCSD-PROTECTED wireless network, or invoking AnyConnect VPN with 2-step secured allthruucsd setting, visit AccessNYT.com
2. Create a NYTimes.com account using your UCSD e-mail address
Type "University of California" in the participating academic sites menu to find University of California, San Diego
From there faculty, staff, and graduate students select "Graduate and Faculty" option; undergraduates select "Undergraduate Only" option
On next screen click “Create Account” and complete the registration fields with your @ucsd.edu e-mail address, preferred NYTimes.com password, and campus status category. Students must enter expected graduation year
For Undergraduate Students Only: After submitting registration details, watch for and reply to an e-mail seeking account address confirmation
All successful registrants regardless of campus status may use account credentials to access nytimes.com and its apps from any network or location
Here is client support information from New York Times to ensure that new and existing subscribers have a great experience.
NEW subscribers to NYT can visit accessnyt.com to create an account/register, as shown on this guide. Type in the school name and follow instructions. If the new subscriber encounters an error message, that subscriber can email edu@nytimes.com .
EXISTING registered subscribers with ACTIVE PAID subscriptions need to cancel their personal subscription by connecting with a chat agent on the site, or by calling 800-698-4637, before creating a new account.
EXISTING registered subscribers who DO NOT have active NYT subscriptions can visit accessnyt.com and click on "Already have an account? Log in here" link (located below "Create Account"). They can then enter email address and the same password created for the previous account. If the subscriber encounters an error message, that subscriber can email edu@nytimes.com .
Our academic site license also offers the allied The New York Times inEducation resource, which provides the following features:
To gain entry to the inEducation site (whether faculty, staff, or student), simply complete a short registration here. Be sure to use your @ucsd.edu e-mail address.