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HILA 119: Central America: Popular Power, Political Change, and US Intervention : Government Resources

Latin American Government Resources

An excellent portal to many Latin American government resources is LANIC's Government Link (on its homepage). You can explore Latin American government websites by country, subject, branch (i.e. Law & Justice, Military, Political Parties), etc.

Latin American Government Documents Archive (LAGDA) 

Web-archiving service capturing ministries and presidents of 18 Latin American countries. Compiled by the University of Texas at Austin.

Political Database of the Americas 

Extensive information about political systems, constitutions, electoral data, political parties, indigenous peoples, democracy and political participation in most Latin American countries. Maintained at Georgetown University.

Home Pages of Governments of Central American Nations (in order from North to South):

United Nations Resources


The United Nations Page of the Latin American Studies Research Guide provides additional information on UN Resources

The Main UN website has an amazing amount of information, but can be daunting.  One helpful strategy to navigating is to use the A-Z Site Index (under the search box at the top right corner of the page)

UN Library

This link lets you search either in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library (which will point to some print and online resources) that you will have to find elsewhere, OR in the Search for UN Digital Library which includes digitized UN material, such as documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications.

UN Archives

UN News Centre: Search for UN news by region, topic of focus (Iraq, Middle East, terrorism etc.), or by UN body. Includes press releases, factsheets, maps and other resources.


UN News 


CEPAL/ECLAC: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Demographic, social, economic, environmental, and related statistics. Includes coverage of Millennium Development Goals (MDG), gender, social cohesion, sustainable development, and information and communication technologies (ICT).

CEPAL Stat: Statistical Databases and Publications

UN Collection on Critical Global Issues 

Collection of free ebooks on many topics throughout the world

UN Development Programs Project Website 

Information sharing portals with data about UNHCR and partners’ response to current emergencies and other protracted refugee crises

UN Gender and Land Rights Database 

Contains country-level information on social, economic, political, and cultural issues as related to gender inequalities.

UN Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) 

The United Nations’ central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development.

UN Habitat 

UN program dedicated to supporting urban development and the planning and building of a better urban future for next generations by promoting economic growth and social development to reduce poverty and inequalities.

UN Human Development Index 

The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. It thus provides an alternative way to measure quality of life and "wealth" than GDP. Provides access to Data/Statistics, Literature including _The Annual Development Report, News, and Publications, and Country Profiles.

UN Military Expenditures Database 

UN Population Fund 

UNFPA address reproductive health and population issues, and raises awareness of these issues in all countries.

UN Population Information Network 

Guide to UN information and website on population issues.

UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women 

UN Women 

UN Women Watch 

UN information on Gender equality and empowerment