This guide is designed to help you find newspapers available via the UCSD Library.
Many of the online newspapers in this guide are restricted to current UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students. Remote access to these resources, identified either by text or a blue/gold symbol, requires connecting to the UC San Diego VPN and the 2-Step Secured - allthruucsd group or using UCSD Protected WiFi (not guest).
You can find a more comprehensive listing of available newspaper resources via the Library's A-Z Databases list. Use the "types" dropdown option to select "news & newspapers".
You can also search the Library catalog to determine if we have access to a specific newspaper title.
Print newspapers are available to read on the 2nd floor, West Wing of Geisel. Microfilm collections and readers are also located in this area.
Historical run of major French newspaper, covering leading issues and events, like World War II and the Fifth Republic, to French, European and international politics, society and business, Presently covers Dec 19, 1944 - Dec 2000, with some exceptions.
Comprising over 1,000 titles from Mexico’s pre-independence, independence and revolutionary periods (1807-1929), the newspapers in this collection provide rare documentation of the dramatic events of this era and include coverage of Mexican partisan politics, yellow press, political and social satire, as well as local, regional, national and international news.
Researchers will find a wealth of unique content from the Middle East and North Africa, much of which has never been digitized or available as open access material. Content in the Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection is predominantly in Arabic, but also includes key titles in English and French. The collection comprises out-of-copyright, orphaned content, and includes titles such as Al-Iqbal (Lebanon), Al Akhaa al Watani (Iraq), Tangier Gazette (Morocco) and La Vérité (Algeria). Our access includes runs of five in-copyright titles: al-Akhbār (الاخبار, Lebanon, 2006-2019); al-Dustūr (الدستور, Jordan, 1967-2000); al-Jumhūrīyah (الجمهورية, Egypt, 1962-1986); al-Riyāḍ (الرياض, Saudi Arabia, 1972-1996); Filasṭīn (فلسطين, Israel/Palestine, 1956-1967).
Current titles in the Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection include:
Al Akhaa al Watani (الاخاء الوطني), Iraq, Arabic, 1931-1963
Al Akhbar (الأخبار), Syria, Arabic, 1949-1950
Al Akhbar (الأخبار), Lebanon, Arabic, 1958-1972
Al Balad (البلد), Syria, Arabic, 1950
Al Fayha (الفيحاء), Syria, Arabic, 1950
Al Hawadith (الحوادث), Syria, Arabic, 1950
Al Insha (الانشاء), Syria, Arabic, 1949-1950
Al Islah (الإصلاح), Syria, Arabic, 1949-1959
Al Jabal (الجبل), Syria, Arabic, 1949-1950
Al Tarbiyah (التربية), Syria, Arabic, 1949-1950
Al-Iqbal (الإقبال), Lebanon, Arabic, 1902-1909
Asa Al Jannah (عصا الجنة), Syria, Arabic, 1950
Attakaddoum (التقدم), Algeria, French/Arabic, 1923-1931
Baghdad News, Iraq, English, 1964-1967
Baghdad Times, Iraq, English, 1918-1923
Dou-El-Fakar (ذو الفقار), Algeria, Arabic, 1913-1914
El Farouk (الفاروق), Algeria, Arabic, 1913-1921
El-Mountakid (المنتقد), Algeria, Arabic/French, 1925
La Vérité, Algeria, French/Arabic, 1934-1935
Tangier Gazette: Al-Moghreb Al-Aksa & Morocco, Morocco, English, 1927-1933
Tangier Gazette and Al-Moghreb Al-Aksa, Morocco, English/French, 1949-1950
Tangier Gazette and Morocco Mail, Morocco, English, 1934-1940
Tarik Al Jihad (التربية), Syria, Arabic, 1950
The Iraq Times, Iraq, English/Arabic, 1948-1964
Times of Mesopotamia, Iraq, English, 1921-1924
New titles will continue to be added to the collection, which will ultimately include over thirty newspaper titles and approximately 500,000 pages of content.
The Imperial Russian Newspapers collection comprises 19 out-of-copyright newspapers spanning the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, up to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. With no less than 500,000 pages, the collection’s core titles are from Moscow and St. Petersburg, complemented by regional newspapers across the vast Russian Empire.
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