Tips for Managing Your ORCiD Record
- Make ORCiD iD and the other systems e.g., SCOPUS, ResearcherID, Open Science Framework) work for you - set them up as Trusted Organizations so you can get some automatic updates to your list of works.
- Add your works to your account.
- Make your works public.
By default, only your name and ORCiD iD are publically available. To have a place where others can see a list of citations of your works, you need to se them to public.
Additionally, setting them to public maximizes the potential for integrating your ORCiD iD into other systems and opens the capability of automatic updating.
- Add at least a few personal information bits to your ORCiD Profile - perhaps a brief bio, your education, or your current employment.
It is all about helping others distinguish you from others and not everyone will have memorized or ORCiD iD.
- Add any name variants
Did you publish and not use your middle initial? Perhaps your name has changed over the life of your career? Be sure to include them in your profile.