CD-based Bible concordance with many versions and texts in Hebrew, Greek, and English-language translations. Ask for assistance in Geisel Library at the Research Assistance Desk, 2nd Floor West.
Links to books of the Bible in various versions and languages, including: King James Version (KJV), the Tanakh, the Apocrypha, Vulgate, The Septagint, New Greek Testament, the Polyglot Bible.
The King James or Authorized Version of the Bible was printed in 1611 and became the standard edition of the Bible for nearly three centuries. Arguably the most influential single document for English literary studies, this fully searchable online version presents the full text (of the ‘He’ version) with all introductory matter, annotation, calendars, genealogies and tables.
The Bible: Other Sources of Background Information
Published in 2020, this Companion volume offers a sweeping survey of the Bible at a work of literature and its impact on Western writing. Underscoring the sophistication of the biblical writers' thinking in diverse areas of thought, it demonstrates how the Bible relates to many types of knowledge and its immense contribution to education through the ages.