The Library does not have a license for SpringerMaterials. However, you can still search the database for crystallographic data and, in some cases, access the information in our online volumes of Landolt-Börnstein, the predecessor to SpringerMaterials. For the more recent content added to SpringerMaterials, you'll need to refer to one or more of the alternate sources listed here.
Each record in SpringerMaterials has a source. If the source of the document you need is Landolt-Börnstein and it's from 2009 or earlier, you can get the PDF of the chapter or page (but no .cif files) through Portico. The books are arranged by the title of the volume, and in some cases the volume's subtitle
- From SpringerMaterials, note the title of the document and volume in Landolt. Browse the alphabetical list of volumes in Portico, then that volume's table of contents to find your document PDF. Here's a handout (PDF) with some screenshots from both databases.
- Some of the volumes in Portico are alphabetized by their subtitle. For example:
- Crystal Structure Data of Inorganic Compounds · Key Element: O Part 2 shows up in the volume list as
- Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds · Structure Types Part 1: Space Groups (230) Ia-3d -(219)-F43-c shows up as
- Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds · Structure Types Part 1: Space Groups (230) Ia-3d -(219)-F43-c
- Phase Equilibria, Crystallographic and Thermodynamic Data of Binary Alloys · Ac-Ag ... Au-Zr shows up as