Are items in the Digital Collections fair use? May I use them in a publication or on a website?
Items in the Digital Collections are available from the UC San Diego Library and are intended to support research, teaching and private study under fair use. All items may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Usage of some items may also be subject to additional restrictions imposed by the original copyright owner and/or institution. The copyright for a particular item is displayed under “Copyright”. To request permission to publish or obtain a reproduction of a particular item, please use the Contact link found under Help at the top of the Digital Collections website.
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The U.S. Copyright Office provides additional information on understanding copyright, including “Copyright Basics” at
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If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on the UC San Diego Library’s Digital Collections Website without your permission and believe our inclusion of this material on the Digital Collections Website violates your rights (e.g. inclusion is not covered by the Fair Use or other exemption to a copyright holder’s rights), please contact [] and include the following:
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