2024 | Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center, a partnership of the National Park Service (NPS) and Pride Live, opens as the first LGBTQIA+ visitor center within the NPS (2024, June 28) |
2024 | A Proclamation on Granting Pardon for Certain Violations of Article 125 Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (2024, June 26)
Pardons certain former U.S. service members convicted of violating a now-repealed military ban on consensual gay sex |
2023 | 303 Creative LLC et al.v. Elenis et al. (2023, June 30)
Supreme Court ruled in favor of web designer who refused to work on a gay wedding website |
2023 | A Proclamation on the 70th Anniversary of Lavender Scare (2023, April 26)
To "acknowledge the importance of telling the complete history of our Nation." Also outlines major Biden actions. |
2023 | U.S. Office of Personnel Management Releases Updated Guidance Advancing Gender Identity Inclusion in the Federal Workplace (2023, March 31)
Guidance to help agencies "create a gender inclusive environment in a number of areas, including workplace transition, confidentiality and privacy, dress and appearance standards, names and pronouns, sanitary and related facilities, and legal name changes" |
2023 | Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity (2023, January 24)
"Roadmap" to ensure federal agencies are collecting necessary data and evidence to address LGBTQI+ issues |
2022 | H.R. 8404, The Respect for Marriage Act, signed into law (2022, December 13)
Provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages |
2022 | Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022, June 24)
Overturned Roe v. Wade; Justice Thomas concurring opinion asserts Dobbs legal rationale should open for reconsideration LGBTQ cases such as Obergefell and Lawrence v. Texas |
2022 | EO 14075: Executive Order on Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals (2022, June 15)
Broad-ranging order affecting several areas of LGBTQ life |
2021 | EO 14035: Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce (2021, June 25)
Establishes a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the Federal workforce; includes provisions for supporting LGBTQ employees |
2021 | Fact Sheet: The Biden-Harris Administration Champions LGBTQ+ Equality and Marks Pride Month (2021, June 1)
Outlines "the historic progress made towards LGBTQ+ equality since President Biden took office" |
2021 | EO 14021: Executive Order on Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Baiss of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity (2021, March 8)
Directs a review of Title IX & other regulations to ensure, in federally funded entities, an educational environment free from sexual harassment, sexual violence, and discrimination on the basis of sex and SOGI |
2021 | EO 14020: Executive Order on Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council (2021, March 8)
Advances gender equity and equality across the federal government and military |
2021 | EO 14004: Executive Order on Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform (2021, January 25)
Revokes 3/23/18 Presidential Memorandum and confirms revocation of 8/25/17 Presidential Memorandum regarding military service by transgender individuals |
2021 | EO 13988: Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation (2021, January 20)
Charges federal agencies to fully enforce all federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, in line with Bostock SCOTUS decision |
2021 | EO 13985: Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government (2021, January 20) |
2020 | Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia (2020, June 15)
Supreme Court ruled that 1964 Civil Rights Act barring sex discrimination in the workplace protects LGBTQ employees from being fired because of their sexual orientation. |
2018 | Masterpiece Cakeshop, LTD v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2018, June 4)
Supreme Court ruled in favor of a baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple because of a religious objection. |
2018 | Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security Regarding Military Service by Transgender Individuals (2018, March 23)
Revokes 8/25/17 Presidential Memorandum |
2017 | Statement by Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis on Military Service by Transgender Individuals (2017, August 29)
Clarifies that currently-serving transgender personnel can continue serving while DoD develops a study and implementation plan. |
2017 | Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security (2017, August 25)
Prohibits transgender individuals from serving in the military. |
2017 | Census Bureau Director's remarks on Census 2020 Planned Subjects (2017, March 29)
Draft of proposed questions for Census 2020 included questions about sexual orientation and gender identity; a revised draft was issued later the same day, omitting those questions. |
2017 | Dear Colleague Letter on the Withdrawal of Title IX Guidance (2017, February 22)
Withdrew guidance to schools outlined in the 2016 Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students. |
2017 | Removal of LGBT content from White House, Department of Labor, and State Department websites immediately after Donald Trump's inauguration (2017, January) |
2017 | Apology for Lavender Scare (2017, January 9)
Secretary of State John Kerry issues formal apology for the Cold War-era persecution of gay State Department and Foreign Service officers. |
2016 | National Park Guide - LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History (companion Pride Guide released June 2019)
Springate, Megan E. (Ed.). LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History. Washington, D.C.: National Park Foundation, 2016. |
2016 | Presidential Proclamation -- Establishment of the Stonewall National Monument. (2016, June 24). |
2016 | Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students. (2016, May 13). |
2015 | Legislative Responses to Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage Address Potential Religious Implications, CRS Legal Sidebar (file courtesy of ProQuest)
Congressional Research Service. CRS-2015-AML-0417, October 29, 2015. Summarizes The First Amendment Defense Act ("to prohibit the Federal Government from taking any discriminatory action against individuals or entities based on their religious or moral objection to same-sex marriage or extramarital sexual relationships") and the Equality Act ("to amend Federal civil rights laws to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation") |
2015 | Obergefell Et Al. v. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health, Et Al., 576 U. S. 2 ___ (2015)
Fundamental right to marriage for same-sex couples Remarks by the President on the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality. (2015, June 26) |
2014 | EEOC lawsuits on behalf of transgender employees
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Fact Sheet: Recent EEOC Litigation Regarding Title VII & LGBT-Related Discrimination (2016, July 8) |
2013 | United States v. Windsor, 570 U. S. 2 ___ (2013)
Struck down Defense of Marriage Act |
2012 | Tammy Baldwin First Openly Gay Senator Elected |
2012 | The end of don't ask don't tell : the impact in studies and personal essays by service members and veterans
Essays by service members, published by the Marine Corp University Press |
2011 | Department of Education Youth Summit |
2011 | U.S. presses for LGBT human rights around the world
Memorandum on International Initiatives To Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons. (December 6, 2011.). Public Papers of the Presidents: Barack Obama (Book 2 ), p. 1524. |
2010 | Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed
U.S. House. Committee on Small Business. Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010. H.R. 2965. 111th Congress, 2nd Session. |
2010 | Hearings on the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell
U.S. Senate. Committee on Armed Services.The Report of the Department of Defense Working Group That Conducted a Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of Section 654 of Title 10, U.S.C., "Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces". S. Hrg. 111-899. 111th Congress, 2nd Session. |
2009 | Fact Sheet: Presidential Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination |
2009 | First occurrence of "bisexual and transgender" in the Public Papers of the Presidents
Proclamation 8387 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2009. (June 1, 2009.) Compilation of Presidential Documents, DCPD-200900419 |
2009 | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
Public Law 111-84 [H.R. 2647], October 28, 2009 (Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act attached) |
2007 | Rep. Larry Craig airport scandal
U.S. Senate. Select Committee on Ethics. Public Letter of Admonition. (February 13, 2008). |
2003 | Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2003)
Struck down sodomy laws |
2000 | Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U. S. 640 (2000)
Held that right to free association allows organization to exclude LGBT |
1999 | First Presidential Proclamation of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
Proclamation 7203 – Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, 1999. (June 11, 1999). Public Papers of the Presidents: William J. Clinton, p. 1089. |
1996 | Romer v. Evans, 517 U. S. 620 (1996)
Struck down Colorado Amendment 2 and set the stage for Lawrence v. Texas and later cases |
1996 | Defense of Marriage Act
Public Law 104-199 [H.R. 3396], September 21, 1996 Defined marriage as between one woman/one man and allowed states to not recognize same-sex marriages from other states |
1994 | First use of "transgender" in Congressional Record (Jesse Helms, NEA funding)
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 103rd Congress, Second Session. Vol. 140 pt. 12. July 25, 1994, p. 17792. |
1994 | Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Employment: Legislation and Issues in the 103rd Congress (file courtesy of ProQuest)
First of a series of CRS reports discussing the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) |
1993 | Department of Defense Directive 1304.26
U. S. Department of Defense. (1993, December 21). Department of Defense Directive 1304.26. Implements Don't Ask, Don't Tell via Section E1.2.8 - Provisions Related to Homosexual Conduct |
1991 | First appearance of "lesbian" in Public Papers of the Presidents
Exchange with Reporters Aboard Air Force One. (June 6, 1991). Public Papers of the Presidents: George H.W. Bush (Book 1), p. 618. |
1990 | Immigration Act of 1990
101 P.L. 649; 104 Stat. 4978; 1990 Enacted S. 358; 101 Enacted S. 358, November 29, 1990 Removed homosexuality as grounds for exclusion from immigration to the U.S. |
1990 | Census includes "Unmarried Partner" option
U. S. Census Bureau. (2013, August). Frequently Asked Questions About Same -Sex Couple Households. |
1990 | Americans with Disabilities Act
101 P.L. 336; 104 Stat. 327; 1990 Enacted S. 933; 101 Enacted S. 933, July 26, 1990 Specified that the term "disabled" or "disability" shall not apply to transvestites. |
1990 | In the Matter of Representative Barney Frank
U.S. House. Committee on Standards of Conduct. In the Matter of Representative Barney Frank. H. rpt. 101-610. 101st Congress, Second Session. Frank was outed during investigation into affair with a male prostitute |
1989 | Rep. William Dannemeyer publishes anti-gay book, Shadow in the Land: Homosexuality in America, followed by a Congressional speech on sodomy in 1990
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 101st Congress, Second Session. Extension of Remarks. March 1, 1990, p.3252. |
1988 | Surgeon General's "Understanding AIDS" Letter
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control. Understanding AIDS: A Message from the Surgeon General. |
1988 | Robert Mapplethorpe art exhibit opened in Philadelphia
Bauerlein, M. and Granthan, E. (Eds.). National Endowment for the Arts: A History, 1965-2008. Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for the Arts, 2009. Example of the NEH culture/funding wars of the 1980s-1990s |
1987 | President Reagan's first public remarks on AIDS epidemic
Remarks at the American Foundation for AIDS Research Awards Dinner, May 31, 1987. Public Papers of the Presidents: Ronald Reagan (1987, Book 1). |
1986 | Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U. S. 186 (1986)
Upheld constitutionality of sodomy laws |
1983 | Rep. Gerry Studds becomes first openly gay member of Congress
U.S. House. Committee on Standards of Conduct. In the Matter of Representative Gerry E. Studds. H. rpt. 98-295. 98th Congress, First Session. Studds was outed during investigation into the Congressional page scandal |
1981 | CDC first reports on AIDS
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). A Timeline of HIV/AIDS. |
1980 | President Carter remarks on the ERA
Equal Rights Amendment Remarks at a White House Briefing, May 15, 1980. Public Papers of the Presidents: Jimmy Carter (1980, Book 1), p. 921. |
1978 | President Carter opposes California Proposition 6 (Briggs Initiative)
Sacramento, CA - Remarks at a “Get Out the Vote” Rally, Nov. 3, 1978. Public Papers of the Presidents: Jimmy Carter (1978, Book 2), p. 1949. The failed Proposition 6 would have banned gays and lesbians from working in California's public schools. |
1976 | President Ford is asked about NEH funding a “homosexual conference” in San Antonio, TX, foreshadowing future NEH funding issues
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Republican Party Reception in San Antonio, April 9, 1976. Public Papers of the Presidents: Gerald R. Ford (1976, Book 2), p. 1031. |
1975 | "Civil Rights Amendments of 1975" introduced by Rep. Bella Abzug (file courtesy of ProQuest)
1975 H.R. 166; 94 H.R. 166, introduced January 14, 1975 To prohibit discrimination on the basis of affectional or sexual preference, and for other purposes |
1975 | First appearance of "homosexual" in Public Papers of the Presidents
Special Message to the Congress on Crime, June 19, 1975. Public Papers of the Presidents: Gerald R. Ford (1975, Book 1). |
1975 | Pros and Cons of Legalizing Victimless Crimes (file courtesy of ProQuest)
Congressional Research Service. CRS-1975-EPW-0055, June 10,1975. Presents pro and con arguments for legalizing or decriminalizing certain victimless crimes, including consensual adult homosexuality |
1974 | Equality Act of 1974 (file courtesy of ProQuest) U.S. House. H.R. 14752. 93rd Congress, Second Session. Introduced May 14, 1974. To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes |
1969 | Norton v. Macy, 417 F.2d 1161 (D.C. Cir. 1969)
Held that civil servant can not be fired solely on basis of homosexuality |
1967 | Loving v. Virginia, 388 U. S. 1 (1967)
Invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage |
1967 | First appearance of "bisexual" in SCOTUS case
Boutilier v. INS, 387 U.S. 118 (1967) |
1964 | First appearance of "lesbian" in a SCOTUS case
A Quantity of Copies of Books v. Kansas, 388 U.S. 452 (1967) (per curiam) |
1962 | Manual Enterprises, Inc. v. Day, 370 U.S. 478 (1962)
Held that magazines consisting of photographs of nude male models are not obscene |
1961 | Supreme Court denies Frank Kameny's appeal of employment termination
Petition for Writ of Certiorari - Number 676 - Kameny v. Brucker. In Records of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1772-2007. |
1958 | One, Incorporated v. Olesen, 355 U. S. 371 (1958) (per curiam)
First SCOTUS case dealing with homosexuality; held for right to free speech |
1954 | Investigation of Communist Activities in the State of California (part 6 not available)
U.S. House. Investigation of Communist Activities in the State of California. Part 6: Hearing Before the Committee on Un-American Activities. 83rd Congress, Second Session, April 20, 1954. |
1953 | Executive Order 10450--Security requirements for Government employment
18 FR 2489, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 936 First inclusion of “sexual perversion” as basis for removal from federal employment |
1952 | First appearance of "homosexual" in SCOTUS case
Sweeney v. Woodall, 344 U. S. 86 (1952) |
1951 | Rosenberg Espionage Case Prosecution, and Sundry Atomic Energy Matters (file courtesy of ProQuest)
U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Executive Session. Secret. JCAE document number CCLXXXVIII (Unpublished hearing), February 8, 1951. Employment termination of Oak Ridge National Laboratory personnel director due to homosexual conduct |
1950 | Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government: Interim Report Submitted to the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Department (Hoey Report)
U.S. Senate. S.Doc. 241. 81st Congress, 2nd Session, 1950. |
1950 | Employment of Moral Perverts by Government Agencies (McClellan Report) (file courtesy of ProQuest)
U.S. Senate. Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. S. rpt. 1746. 81st Congress, Second Session, 1950. |
1950 | Report of the Investigations of the Junior Senator of Nebraska on the Infiltration of Subversives and Moral Perverts into the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government (file courtesy of ProQuest)
U.S. Senate. Committee on Appropriations for the District of Columbia. S. print 4179. 81st Congress, Second Session, 1950. |
1945 | First appearance of "bisexual" in the Congressional Record
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 79th Congress, First Session. Vol. 91 pt. 10. February 20, 1945, p. A741. |
1942 | First appearance of "homosexual" in federal court case
Cain v. Universal Pictures Co., Inc., 47 F. Supp. 1013 (S.D. Cal. 1942) |
1927 | First appearance of "lesbian" in the Congressional Record
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 69th Congress, Second Session. Vol. 68 pt. 3. February 8, 1927, p. 3267. |
1927 | First appearance of "homosexual" in the Congressional Record
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 69th Congress, Second Session. Vol. 68 pt. 2. January 19, 1927, p. 1943. |
1917 | Immigration Act of 1917
U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Immigration. Immigration Laws (Act of February 5, 1917): Rules of May 1, 1917. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1917. Used to exclude homosexuals from immigration to U.S. based on their status as “persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority” |
1902 | Annual Report of Bureau of Ethnology, 1902: Report of Director, and paper on Zuni Indians (The Zuni Indians: Their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies)
Discussion of We'Wha, a Zuni man who dressed and lived as a woman in her tribe. |
1893 | First appearance of "homosexual" in Serial Set
U.S. Department of State. Pan-American Medical Congress. Transactions of the first Pan-American Medical Congress, held in the City of Washington, D. C., U. S. A., September 5, 6, 7, and 8, A. D. 1893. Serial Set 3162-2 S.exdoc.36. 53rd Congress, 2nd Session. |
1889 | Contributions to North American ethnology, vol. 7: Dakota-English dictionary
Native American words for "sodomy" |
1880 | Report on the defective, dependent, and delinquent classes of the population of the United States, as returned at the tenth census
U.S. Department of the Interior. Census Office. [Census Reports] Tenth Census, v. 21 (June 1, 1880). 1988. Prisoners for buggery, sodomy, etc by state |
1877 | Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration
Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration, Special. Joint. Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration. Serial Set 1734 S.rp.689. 44th Congress, 2nd session. Racism and sodomy |
1873 | Comstock Law
17 Stat. 598 Suppression of trade in and circulation of obscene material |
1848 | Report of the Secretary of the Navy, communicating copies of returns of punishments in the Navy, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. Serial Set 510 (file courtesy of ProQuest)
S.exdoc.69. 30th Congress, first session Sodomy conviction and punishment in the Navy |
1843 |
U.S. House of Representatives. Serial Set 420, Session 3, H.Doc. 72. 27th Congress, Third Session. January 19, 1843. Sodomy and buggery laws |
1830 |
Laws for the District of Columbia U.S. House. Committee on the District of Columbia. Laws for the District of Columbia. Serial Set 200, H.rpt.269. 21st Congress, 1st session. Sodomy and buggery laws |