If you have a specific article you are looking for, or want to know if UCSD subscribes to a specific journal, it is easiest to use the Journal Search.
See the ASME Journal Submission Types page for descriptions of each type of content listed below.
Full-text access to the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) meeting papers from 2001-2022, and most of the journals, including AIAA Journal, from 1980 to present.
Standards, books, journals, tech reports, and research reports covering the mobility industry (ground and air), from the Society of Automotive Engineers. Book access goes back to 2022, journals back to 2023, and tech reports back to 2010. Standards cover ground and aerospace vehicles, and aerospace material specifications.
Indexes over 18,000 journals in all subjects (coverage back to 1900 for science and social science journals), as well as 80,000 books and more than 180K conference proceedings. Includes the popular "cited reference search" to identify papers which have cited a previously published work or author. Can also sort by "times cited" and find related articles based on commonly cited works.