Search the full text of books scanned by Google, drawn from major libraries. The number of pages you can actually view varies, from the entire book for out-of-copyright titles, to snippets or selected pages for books still in copyright. If you find a book you want, use UC Library Search and/or San Diego Circuit to find whether we have the book online or can borrow the print.
Most of our e-books are in the UCSD's UC Library Search and you can find them by limiting results to Online only and Resource Types books.
Once you're in the e-book collection itself, you can browse by title or search the full-text of the entire collection.
In most collections, you can print/save desired chapters as PDF files. In other collections, you may have limited ability to save or print pages.
If we don't have an e-book you need, email Deborah and I'll see what I can buy for campus, You may also check Circuit for area San Diego libraries including SDSU, USD and public libraries or to get a print copy. You may also use your SDPL or SDCL library card to get books delivered from area Circuit libraries to the branch library closest to UCSD or your house/apartment.
These are the main e-book collections (not single titles) of interest to math & stats researchers. Unless otherwise specified, books in these collections are also in the library catalog though the most recently published ones are generally available online 1-2 months before appearing in UC Library Search.
O’Reilly for Higher Education includes more than 38K computer science, engineering, business book titles from 200+ publishers. Plus 30K+ hours of video, proven learning paths, case studies, expert playlists, audio books, and more. Includes pre-publication titles published by O'Reilly.
Access with Single Sign On after choosing University of California San Diego from the list of institutions.
Note: Access is limited to current students, staff, and faculty at the University of California campuses. No community use.
Titles are html only.
Replaces the Safari Tech Books Online collection.