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Materials Science & Engineering: Books / Ebooks

UC Library Search

UC Library SearchUC Library Search (the search box on the library homepage) helps you locate books and articles available ath UC San Diego Library and beyond. Login to your library account to request materials from other campuses or set up search alerts.

To limit your search to books:

  • Change the search from Find articles, books, & more... to Library Catalog, or
  • In the search results, select Books under the Resource Type filter.

Materials Science and Engineering Ebooks

Here are the largest ebook collections with materials science and engineering titles,which you can search from the publisher or provider websites. Sample titles are listed to give you an idea of what's included.

  • Pros: Full-text search for books and (if available) journals. Will newly published books that aren't yet in UC Library Search.
  • Cons: In most cases, you're only searching one publisher, so if you're unsure which to search, start with UC Library Search. We may not have all of the ebooks from that publisher, particularly older titles.

Looking for Dissertations?

Use UC Library Search to find dissertations and theses by UC San Diego and UC students. Limit results by going to Resource Type and selecting Dissertations.  Most UC dissertations from 1996 are freely available in the UC eScholarship repository. However, some dissertations have been embargoed by the authors and may not be available until 1-2 years after publication.

Other databases to find Dissertations: