Dar al-Mandumah provides access to a series of databases with full-text content of Arabic scientific conferences, dissertations and academic journals from 1921 to present day. Most of the content available is in the Arts and Humanities covering topics such as religion, history, literature, and more. EduSearch: contains Arabic journals and conference research papers and seminars for education and social research with coverage period starting in 1928. HumanIndex: contains academic journals, conference and seminars specialized in Humanities. Islamic Info: is a database specialized in Islamic and Legal Studies. AraBase: an Arabic language database that focuses on Arabic language sciences and literature. EcoLink: a database specialized in Economic and Management Studies. Mandumah Dissertations: a database of theses and dissertations from Arab researchers and students in various academic disciplines.
The first and basic reference for the Arab researcher in all sciences and academic disciplines, and it is a database specializing in Arab university theses (scientific theses).
AraBase is a language and literature information database of almost all periodicals, scientific journals and yearly books specializing in that field, issued in Arabic in all Arab and non-Arab countries with their full texts, in addition to the works and research of conferences and symposia in Arabic. The rule covers what has been published in Arab periodicals in the field of linguistics and literature since 1921 until now. Covers various fields of language sciences and literature, including, for example: grammar, morphology, semantics, dictionaries, linguistics, applied and comparative linguistics, phonology, art, ancient and modern Arabic literature, comparative literature, poetry, rhetoric, criticism, and other related topics.
The EduSearch database covers nearly all educational journals issued in Arabic amounting more than 220 Arab specialized magazines and journals, including, in addition, works and researches of educational conferences and forums.
EcoLink database, the Arabic database specialized in economics, management, business administration and related sciences, for example: public administration, human resource management, production management, organizational behavior, quality, strategic planning, business administration, financial analysis, accounting, budgeting, banking, marketing, micro and macro economics, Islamic economics, finance and investment, insurance, commercial law, electronic commerce, and other topics.
IslamicInfo is the first specialized Arabic database for collecting the scattered pieces of what has been published in periodicals and specialized scientific journals, and due to the close link between legal and Sharia sciences, the base has expanded to include all judicial and legal issues with its various branches.
The HumanIndex database is the leading Arabic database at the Arab and regional level and the main resource for researchers and scholars in the various fields of human sciences, as it provides specialized intellectual production directly and in the event of the issuance of periodicals and conferences. Including, for example: history, translations, biographies, geography, philosophy, arts, archeology, public relations, media, and other related topics.
Dates vary, but some historical coverage as far back as 1690. More than 5000 sources worldwide, including nearly 1500 in the U.S. Many historical newspapers are in digitized image form. Largely newspapers, with newswires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, videos.
1863-present. International database for research on history of all regions (except the U.S. and Canada) from 1450 to the current decade. Content includes
indexing of historical articles from more than 2,300 journals in over 40 languages.
Indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world published since 1906. Material cited in the Index Islamicus includes not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, plus Muslim minorities elsewhere. Over 3,400 journals are monitored for inclusion in the database, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and book reviews. Journals and books are indexed down to the article and chapter level.
Search by subject or browse 2,600+ full-text titles, predominantly scholarly journals and books in social sciences, history, humanities, and science and mathematics, to their earliest issues. Many titles extend as far back as late 19th or early 20th centuries; most recent 3-5 years often not included. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
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Stream documentary and social issues films. Topics covered include business and economics, health care, humanities, performing arts, and social sciences..