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Welcome to the Psychology Research Guide

For assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your librarian, Amanda Roth. email or schedule an appointment.

General Library Information


triton icon for licensed resourceLicensed e-resources are available to UCSD affiliates. Connect to the VPN or Protected Wi-Fi network to access these resources.

                Get it at UC              The Get it at UC link will provide options for accessing the full text of an article from within UC Library Search, databases, and even Google Scholar if using the Library Links setting. If there are no online access links or the print is unavailable from the Library, you must request the item from within UC Library Search.

WiFi & Off-Campus Access

If you are located on-campus, make sure that you are connected to the UCSD-Protected wifi.

If you are located off-campus, start by setting up VPN AnyConnect on your device.

The UC San Diego Health and Health Science VPN also provides off campus access to resources the Library provides. Instructions and assistance for UC San Diego Health and Health Science VPN users can be found in the Pulse intranet.