For Authors: The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit aims to help book authors to better understand open access book publishing and to increase trust in open access books. You will be able to find relevant articles on open access book publishing following the research lifecycle, by browsing frequently asked questions or by searching with keywords
Open Monograph Press (OMP) is designed by The Public Knowledge Project to assist university presses, learned societies, and scholar-publishers interested in publishing scholarly books in print-on-demand and multiple electronic formats, whether on an open access or purchase basis.This aims to be a ‘virtual-publishing-house-in-a-box’ - an 'open source platform for managing the editorial workflow required to see monographs, edited volumes and scholarly editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloguing, production and publication'.
The Library Publishing Toolkitis a new resource for libraries involved in publishing. There is a free e-book available for download from the site. This resource 'looks at the broad and varied landscape of library publishing through discussions, case studies and shared resources'.
Hybrid Publishing works in collaboration with publishers, librarians, software developers and authors. It is a lab that engages with new concepts and technologies in digital publishing with a particular focus on the humanities. Embedding its research results in economic contexts, for example by setting up a Hybrid Publishing Consortium to consult about Open Source software solutions, the Lab both carries out applied experiments in publishing as well as incubating new businesses. Central for the lab’s projects is the idea of Open Access regarding academic knowledge, research, and education as well as a strong curiosity about new business models in a disruptive digital environment.
The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a centralised service to support the discovery and dissemination of OA books, with admission criteria that have been developed to verify and accredit the publisher’s peer review and licensing processes.
OpenEdition is a multilingual, open catalogue designed to give humanities publishers a delivery platform, a revenue stream to support their transition to OA publishing and a host of other benefits. OpenEdition is the umbrella portal for OpenEdition Books (books in the humanities and social sciences – many in French it appears).
The OAPEN Library is a centralised European platform for OA humanities and social sciences monographs. It contains freely accessible academic books. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of Open Access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of dissemination, quality assurance and digital preservation.
The Open Access Directory maintains two lists. One is a list of OA book business models. Another is a list of Publishers of OA books.
The Open Access Tracking Project runs a feed on new developments on OA books.
The Guide to Creative Commons for Humanities and Social Science monograph authors could be a useful resource for authors.
Portico is an e-Book long term preservation service. The “Portico” asks publishers to pay a financial contribution depending on their revenues.