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Publishing Options and Opportunities: Publishing Open Access

Benefits of Open Access

  • Open Access publications have proven potential for greater citation
  • Your research will be more discoverable
  • Rapid publication
  • You will keep your copyright

Terms to Know

Open Access: scholarly literature that is free to read and often has various re-use rights

Article Processing Charge (APC): A fee charged to the author, institution, or funder to cover the cost of an article. This fee is in lieu of charging subscriptions to read the article. 

Hybrid Journal: A type of journal in which some articles are published Open Access and others articles or not. Hybrid journals are typically longstanding journals that provide an Open Access option, and charge subscription fees.

Toll access journal: A journal that requires payment to access the scholarly content 

Gold Open Access: Publishing Open Access

Path to OA Publishing in Journals

Why should I publish Open Access?

The Impact of Open Access

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Where can I find Open Access journals to publish in?

If you are publishing scientific research, the Public Library of Science (PLoS)BioMed Central, and F1000 are established Open Access publishers. There are additional journals published by smaller publishers, and many of the journals or publishers you have previously published with may have Open Access options available.

Open Access publishing is growing in the humanities and social sciences. If you're publishing humanities research, the Open Library of Humanities is an exciting new Open Access publisher with no author facing publication charges.

Learn more