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Scholarly Communication Tools and Systems: ORCiD

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and supports automated linkages between you and your research activities. For example, funding organizations, such as ARC, NHMRC, are requesting ORCID ID in grant submissions; publishers are requesting ORCID IDs during manuscript submissions.

Contact Scholarly Communication at the Library for questions and support.

ORCiD Community Orientation 4 min video 2020 Feb 20

ORCiD examples at UC San Diego

Why do I need an ORCiD?


ORCID iDs are used by publishers, funders, associations and other organizations to make sure your work is correctly attributed to you, to unambiguously differentiate you from other scholars with the same name, and to streamline workflows such as submitting and reviewing journal articles, applying for funding, and more:

  • Globally unique, permanent identifier that stays with you for life, independent of name or institutional affiliation changes
  • Takes only a few minutes to create
  • You own your ORCID iD, not your employer or publisher.