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Standards & Codes: Requesting Standards

Requesting Standards from the Library

If you need a standard the library does not have, please submit your request via interlibrary loan. Due to the cost, most will be referred to the engineering librarians for approval, so you are welcome to contact us first.

We evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis with the following considerations, and we may not be able to honor every request.

  • Priority is given to engineering undergraduates working on their senior design projects. 
  • Standards are acquired to support academic research and learning. Students and others doing internships or independent research on behalf of companies should check with those companies about acquiring standards.
  • If the standard is for course instruction, we can purchase a print copy to place on reserves. If ISO or IEC standards are needed, faculty can request access to specific standards through ANSI's University Outreach Program
  • We encourage researchers to use their grant funding to acquire standards for their labs before they request standards from the library.