We will update this guide with any developments or directions - the information below is not current information.
The Department of Education has not yet released an agency-wide plan in response to the OSTP Public Access Memo. However, a major funding sub-department, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has had a "Policy Regarding Public Access to Research" since 2012. The details of this Policy cohere with the White House directive.
The IES Policy states: "Beginning in FY 2012, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) required its grantees to submit their peer-reviewed research publications to the ERIC. Contractors that do not have their results published by IES must also submit any peer-reviewed research publications to ERIC. Investigators are to submit the electronic version of their final manuscripts upon acceptance for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The author's final manuscript is defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the peer review process. Posting for public accessibility through ERIC is strongly encouraged as soon as possible but must be within 12 months of the publisher's official date of final publication. Researchers receiving grants or contracts prior to FY 2012 are encouraged, but not required, to submit publications from IES funded grants and contracts to ERIC."
Regarding data, contractors must propose a data management plan at the start of each study. For data collected by the contractor, plans must include which data will be collected, how the data will be stored, the method of sharing, documentation that will be created for the file, and how the researchers will protect the rights and privacy of human subjects at all times.
We are closely monitoring policy developments in the Department of Education and will update this guide as more information becomes available.
Policy Resources:
IES Policy Regarding Public Access to Research is the home of the IES Public Access Policy.
Policy Statement on Public Access to Publications Resulting from IES Funded Grants
Policy Statement on Public Access to Data Resulting from IES Funded Grants
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
ERIC Submission Portal with supporting documentation