OER work can double as scholarship and particularly Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL) work, which has more examples in P&T.
If you need to move a class online, whether immediately or with some time for planning, you need to consider copyright and licenses before placing content on a course management system (CANVAS is the one we use here at UC San Diego).
Reminder #1: You can not always post content online just because you have access to a resource or the system is password protected!
Reminder #2: Don't have time to dig though licenses and fair use assessments? Use Open Educational Resources - all types of content and ancillaries!
1. Link to library licensed content such as journal articles or do a fair use assessment if you want to post the actual content. Be sure to remind the students they need to create an acct on VPN to get access to library licensed/paywalled content remotely.
2. Locate an open educational resource (OER) : all are open access and Creative Commons licensed so that you can post the actual content immediately.
We have guides and expertise in these areas: