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A quick note here: Diversity in the Workplace is a great starting-point link to use, because that subject heading tends to be a 'catch all" used to tag a wide range of materials. Some of the more specific library terminology used to find resources for/about people who are part of underserved groups still have problematic subject headings. Others also lack adequate coverage by the mainstream publishing industry. Below is a selected list of materials that address the workplace needs and experiences of some groups. It's not exhaustive in scope, but easily clickable and will give you ideas on what's in our collections. If you're interested in finding materials not listed here, try your keyword ideas in the UC Library Search. If you need help, or have ideas for adding more topics to this list (and materials for our collections), let Adele know.
UC San Diego Library's Anti-Racism guide highlights resources and processes that are helpful.
UC San Diego Community Resource Centers guide contains both archived historical material and live links to the current centers' sites.
Look for the most recent books in the UC Search:
Look for the most recent books in the UC Search:
Provides access to over 16,000 global sources including: * 1,000+ Global and local newspapers * 3,000+ Journals and magazines * 30,000+ Company Reports. Factiva.com delivers content in 27 languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese.
Scroll down on the landing page to the Newsstand: US section for the latest content of Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Barron's & more.
Provides economic studies, company & industry reports, country risk, economic and industrial statistics, and political news with a focus on emerging market countries. Covers public & private companies & global industry reports. Includes interactive data analysis tools & news alerts. Excellent China coverage.
Nexis Uni contains thousands of full-text sources including newspapers, wires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, trade journals; also industry news, company information, law reviews, court decisions, statutes. Coverage dates vary. International and U.S. sources.
Dates vary, but some historical coverage as far back as 1690. More than 5000 sources worldwide, including nearly 1500 in the U.S. Many historical newspapers are in digitized image form. Largely newspapers, with newswires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, videos.
Look for the most recent books in the UC Search: