The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and DisabilityCall Number: ebook
ISBN: 9780195398786
Publication Date: 2013
This volume assembles chapters by leading scholars in the fields of disability and positive psychology to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the state of the field of positive psychology and disability. Chapters are organized into thematic sections, beginning with an introductory section providinginformation on overarching themes in positive psychology and disability. The second section highlights the application of positive psychological constructs to disability, including quality of life, self-determination, adaptive behavior, optimism, hope, problem solving, forgiveness, gratitude, andspirituality. The following section addresses systemic issues in disability that impact positive psychology, again turning to disciplines beyond just psychology (special education, rehabilitation sciences, family, and disability policy) to address areas in which positive psychology can be applied. Afourth section examines positive psychology in specific disabled populations, including physical disabilities, cognitive and developmental disabilities, severe multiple disabilities, emotional and behavioral disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders.Disability has always been associated with "differentness" and, consequently, people with disabilities have, throughout time, been treated as such.