Many statistics resources can be found by using our library catalog, UC Library Search using these or similar terms:
- education statistics
- education united states statistics
- educational indicators
- educational surveys
- elementary schools united states (or name of state) statistics
- evaluation
- high schools united states (or name of state) statistics
- public schools united states (or name of state) statistics
- school districts united states (or name of state) statistics
For a more precise search, specify a topic you want in addition to the search terms above. For example:
- attendance
- audit
- civil rights
- faculty salaries
- finance
- high school graduates
- school crime
- school discipline
- school enrollment
- school violence
- teacher-student relationships
Additionally, add population groups. For example:
- California State University
- elementary
- high school
- college freshmen
- college teachers
- graduate students
- University of California (system)