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ENVR 30: Environmental Issues: Home


Some general notes:

1) I am usually working from home. If you need help with library issues, feel free to contact me via email at and I'll respond as quickly as possible.

2) You must be connected to the campus VPN to access the library's online resources from off-campus. Please see the Connect from Off-Campus instructions for more information. Be sure to select 2-Step Secured - Allthruucsd from the group drop-down menu while authenticating.


Helpful Library Resources

The guides listed below will probably be most helpful for your assignment.

A list of all library subject guides is available to help you find resources related to specific subjects, like marine biology, public health, or sociology.

Websites to Get Started

These resources can help you identify representatives at different geographic levels. These are all U.S.-focused, so feel free to let me know if your planned representative is not in the U.S. and you need help identifying them.

Article Databases to Get Started

Research Help

Profile Photo
Kelly L. Smith
UC San Diego Library
9500 Gilman Dr. 0175R
La Jolla, CA 92093-0175
858-534-6712 (email strongly preferred)
pronouns: she/her