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Protests Against Police Brutality (2020): Black Members of Congress

Helps document the federal government’s response to racial justice protests following the police murder of George Floyd


While there are too many for this guide to track consistently, Black voices in Congress should be prominent in any research about the federal government's response to racial justice protests. To help you identify and find those voices, this page lists all the Black members of the Senate and the House and links to the press releases page for each.

Black Congressional Members, 116th Congress (1/3/2019 - 1/3/2021)


Booker, Cory Anthony *Scott, Tim      
Harris, Kamala Devi (archive)                              


Adams, Alma Kelly, Robin L.
Allred, Colin Lawrence, Brenda L. (via Internet Archive)
Bass, Karen (via Internet Archive)      Lawson, Alfred Jr. (via Internet Archive)
Beatty, Joyce Lee, Barbara
Bishop, Sanford Dixon, Jr. Lewis, John R. (archive)
Blunt Rochester, Lisa McBath, Lucy  
Brown, Anthony Gregory (via Internet Archive) McEachin, Aston Donald (via Internet Archive)
Butterfield, George Kenneth, Jr. (G. K.) (via Internet Archive) Meeks, Gregory W.
Carson, André (via Internet Archive) Mfume, Kweisi
Clarke, Yvette Diane Moore, Gwendolynne S. (Gwen)
Clay, William Lacy, Jr. (archive) Neguse, Joseph
Cleaver, Emanuel, II Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Clyburn, James Enos Omar, Ilhan     
Davis, Danny K. Payne, Donald, Jr.
Delgado, Antonio (via Internet Archive) Plaskett, Stacey E.
Demings, Valdez Butler (via Internet Archive) Pressley, Ayanna (via Internet Archive)
Evans, Dwight (via Internet Archive) Richmond, Cedric (archive)
Fudge, Marcia L. (archive) Rush, Bobby L. (via Internet Archive)
Green, Al Scott, David    
Hastings, Alcee Lamar (archive) Scott, Robert C.
Hayes, Jahana (via Internet Archive) Sewell, Terri (via Internet Archive)
Horsford, Steven Thompson, Bennie
*Hurd, William Ballard (archive) Underwood, Lauren
Jackson Lee, Sheila Veasey, Marc  
Jeffries, Hakeem Waters, Maxine
Johnson, Eddie Bernice (via Internet Archive) Watson Coleman, Bonnie (via Internet Archive)
Johnson, Hank Wilson, Frederica (via Internet Archive)

List Source: House of Representatives - Black-American Representatives and Senators by Congress, 1870–Present


This page does not include Elijah Cummings, who died October 2019.

Members with an asterisk preceding name are Republicans.

Names of members no longer in Congress are linked to the Internet Archive.