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MGTP 424: Prof. Research & Comm for Accountants: Managing Citations

This guide depicts high-quality resources to support the students of Prof. Robert Schmidt's class

Short Cuts to Good Citations

1.  Citation from a Catalog Record in UC Library Search

You most likely used it to get to the full-text of the articles you read.  It is very easy to get to from any databases - just use the Get it at UC link graphic for get it at UC link.  Click through and open the relevant record in our catalog:

  • Look for the Send to options and choose the most relevant one for you. Use "Citation" if you are not using one of the other named tools.

shows where the citation export links are in a catalog record. right under the title.

  • Select the format you want.  Author date styles are:  APA, CSE, & MLA.  The numbered styles are Chicago & NLM.


2.  Online Citation Tools

Great for the one or two citations you have - and could be any type of reference from a book to an article to many other types.  Typing the citation information is required so be sure to capture all the information about any references you plan to use - or capture the citation when the resource is in hand. 

Important Reminder:  Which ever tool you use, it is your responsibility to make sure the information is complete and correctly cited. 

Note:  For extensive bibliographies and longer research papers, citation tools like EndNote, RefWorks, etc. will be more helpful.  See the box, What Do These Programs Do? for details on how they do more than these quick and easy citation tools.

Citation Management Tools

Whether you use one of the tools listed below or one of the many others, using an organized system to collect the citation information for articles, books, or websites you are reading will pay-off when it is time to write your paper.  In addition to collecting information, it can help put that information into your manuscript - both in the text and in the reference list - AND in the format of your choice.  Yes it takes a little learning to be efficient with these tools, but it is time well spent.

Style Guide Resources

What do these programs do?

Citation Management Tools and Software

All of these programs accomplish the same thing -- help you create a list or database of citations you have read or want to use in a paper (or both).  The shortcut tools use a cut & paste method, but the other programs work with your word processor to insert the citing information into your research paper.

Tutorials & Getting Help

Group workshops on EndNote & RefWorks are conducted every quarter - for details, see the list of workshops.  You can also request an individual consultations -- submit your request and one of our librarians will contact you. 

For a quick question, you can use the Ask a Librarian service (we have both email and chat options). 

Online tutorials may also be helpful and I've linked to a few below.