There are 2 ways to search for e-books: search by topic or title in the library catalog, or search a specific e=book collection at the publisher's website (which allows full-text searching, but may also bring back too many results).
if you find a book title in the UC Library Search but it doesn't have an e-book link, send a query to Ask A LIbrarian if you cannot find it activated on the publisher's e-book platform.
The Library has thousands of ebooks that you can access off campus. Search UC Library Search, to see what we have in e-books. The default search is keyword, but you can also search by title and author in Advanced Search.
If it is an e-book, you'll see links to go to the electronic version. You can also search the catalog to see print books as well.
You can click Go to Electronic Version in the search results, or the "Get It Online" link in the individual record
If you come across a book that you want to read, but it's in print:
These are the largest collections of ebooks in ECE and related disciplines.