A standard is a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. By virtue of their status as standards, their public availability and their amendment or revision as necessary to keep pace with the state of the art, international, regional, national and provincial standards are presumed to constitute acknowledged rules of technology. (ISO/IEC)
The Library has full text access to two major collections of standards. Other organizations may provide some or all of their standards at no charge, while others like ISO make most of theirs available only via purchase. Standards can be requested via interlibrary loan, but the requestor will have to pay since most cost over $50. You can also reach out to your librarian to recommended we buy a print copy of the standard for the collection..
ASTM's Digital Library via ASTM Compass includes access to all of the ASTM standards (plus a few ISO and UOP standards), as well as their journals and symposia papers. Search by keyword or designation, or browse by topic/sub-topic. Do not use the regular www.astm.org website or Google to search for your standard, as you may be prompted to pay. The subscription is partly paid with the Library’s Engineering 25th Anniversary endowment, established by SDG&E (Sempra). |
Through IEEE Xplore, you can search and retrieve the IEEE standards, along with selected AIEE and ANSI standards related to electrical & computer engineering. Start with the Standards link in the left column on the IEEE site. You can search or browse by number or keyword/topic. |