Use this page to find out more about the Lab, located on the 2nd floor of Geisel Library, West Wing. Statistical packages available include SAS, SPSS, PSPP, Stata and more.
Details are here on how to reserve a group study room, what's available for computers, Digital Media Lab, presentation practice space, floor plans and more.
Welcome & How to Get Research Help
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Welcome to the library research guide for Economics. The resources here, organized mostly by type of resource, are intended to help you start or continue your economics research. When you have questions, please email or make an appointment.
Librarian Office Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays (by appointment) in person. Monday-Friday on Zoom.
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If urgent, please use our Ask a Librarian service. Otherwise, send me an email.
Quick Links to Popular Resources
Here you can find the most frequently-used economics resources. They are a good starting point.
The EconomistUse this link to get to the UCSD subscription to The Economist online, which covers recent contents. We also have a special link for The Economist Historical Archive (covers 1823-2015).
EconLitAbstracts journal articles, books, dissertations, and working papers in economics. New records added monthly. Produced by American Economic Association.
CEIC DataCEIC Data contains economic, industrial and financial time-series data. Access limited to 5 simultaneous users. Try again later if refused.
Four databases are included in this package:
• China Premium Databases
The China Premium Database offers over 415,000 time-series records on macroeconomic, sector, industry and regional data dating back to 1949. The China Premium Database is available in both English and Chinese.
• Brazil Premium Databases
The Brazil Premium Database covers 13 macroeconomic and 13 industry growth sectors with unmatched coverage of the energy, biofuel, and automobile sectors. Regional data are also available for Brazil's 5 regions, all 27 states, and 6000 municipalities.
• Global Database
CEIC Data’s Global Database provides access to granular macroeconomic data covering both developed and emerging markets covering over 200 economies and is ideal for business students, professors and lecturers for macroeconomic research projects and course assignments.
• Daily Database
Global Financial DatabaseFinancial and economic data covering over 150 countries and over 6,500 historical and current data series. Bonds, T-bills, unemployment, GDP, commodity prices, exchange rates, and more, some dating back to 1900. Note: To access, use the “Login Anonymously” option and choose GFDatabase in the left nav bar.
p IMF eLibrary dataProvides comprehensive access to International financial statistics (IFS), Balance of payments statistics (BOPS), Direction of trade statistics (DOTS), and Government finance statistics (GFS) databases. View and download predefined data reports or create and share your own views of IMF data
NBER Working PapersThis searchable online archive of downloadable economics working papers by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Papers appear here for discussion and revision prior to formal publication in journals and books.
World Bank e-LibraryThe World Bank e-library is an online, fully cross-searchable portal of World Bank documents. The collection consists of World Bank publications and Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published.