Getting current, authoritative economic indicators for a country (or a set of countries) is one of the most common research needs, and a dozen or so publications here answer most of the recurring queries. Far and away our top two statistical publishers are the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which feature suites of key data products.
Provides economic studies, company & industry reports, country risk, economic and industrial statistics, and political news with a focus on emerging market countries. Covers public & private companies & global industry reports. Includes interactive data analysis tools & news alerts. Excellent China coverage.
National statistical offices, central banks, and government ministries in most countries offer varying amounts of official country data online. Use these lists to identify sites across the globe.
Comprehensive portal to economic, social, political, and related statistics about India. Over half-a-million pages of statistical data are presented in a user-friendly Web format. Our subscription permits two (2) concurrent user connections. Try again later if refused.