Many North American regional business publications have list features in their weekly publications that are devoted to the top companies or organizations on a particular topic or industry, like top women-owned businesses, top accounting firms, largest employers in... (name a city)., etc. These weekly lists are compiled annually into a Book of Lists for a city or region.
There are two main publishers of these weeklies, and their contents are incorporated into at least one of our subscription resources, Bizjournals, MasterFile Premier and Gale Business Insights. Southern CA local publications are listed below. You'll have to experiment to find similar publications in another region.
Note: not all of the most recent BoL issues are available yet. They will be updated here as they become available. Use the "latest rankings articles" in the meantime.
Publisher's website: UCSD's online subscription access to The Economist website (covers 2000-present)
Print: Geisel Library houses the print edition, covering 1947-present, call number HG11 .E2. Depending on date sought, it is shelved with current periodicals on 2nd floor, or, earlier editions on the 6th floor.
The EHA provides a completely searchable copy of every issue of The Economist published from 1843 to 2015. Features include full-color images, multiple search indexes, and the facility to browse each issue - all combine to offer a unique primary source.
Dates vary, but some historical coverage as far back as 1690. More than 5000 sources worldwide, including nearly 1500 in the U.S. Many historical newspapers are in digitized image form. Largely newspapers, with newswires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, videos.
U.S. Major Dailies provides access to current content and significant archives dating back to the 1980s for five of the nation’s most respected national and regional newspapers, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal, in full-text format.
Provides access to over 16,000 global sources including: * 1,000+ Global and local newspapers * 3,000+ Journals and magazines * 30,000+ Company Reports. delivers content in 27 languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese.
Scroll down on the landing page to the Newsstand: US section for the latest content of Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Barron's & more.
Nexis Uni contains thousands of full-text sources including newspapers, wires, transcripts, newsletters, magazines, trade journals; also industry news, company information, law reviews, court decisions, statutes. Coverage dates vary. International and U.S. sources.