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Open Access Publishing & Policies: Publishing Opportunities

Scholarly Communications Librarian

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Allegra Swift
She, Her, Hers
UC San Diego Library
9500 Gilman Dr. #0699
La Jolla, CA 92093-0699

eScholarship - UC San Diego

Share your research with a global audience: The escholarship suite of open access publishing services gives UC scholars direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their research.

Mapping the Open-Source Publishing Landscape

Over 50 open-source publishing tools have been cataloged in a new landscape analysis funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation secured by MIT Press. 

Mapping the Landscape. (2019). In Mind the Gap: A Landscape Analysis of Open Source Publishing Tools and Platforms (1st ed.). 

Prospects; Where do we go from here? Are partnerships, collaborations, and integrations the solution to create a gapless ecosystem?

by John W Maxwell, Erik Hanson, Leena Desai, Carmen Tiampo, Kim O'Donnell, Avvai Ketheeswaran, Melody Sun, Emma Walter, and Ellen Michelle