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Rady Career Center Support: Library Resources: Home


The resources here are from the Library's subscriptions that Rady students have access to for job search and interview prep.

  • Resources cover the U.S. and abroad, corporate and nonprofit settings, as well as entrepreneurial and academic options.
  • New resources added as they become available. Please email with suggestions of what topics or resources you'd like to see covered here.

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Librarian Office Hours

Online weekly drop-in hours are Wednesdays, 12:30-2pm during the academic year, via the link after the graphic. The passcode you need is GetAnswers, all one word, all small letters
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No Hours 2/26/25
Hours resume March 5

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New Resource

map of U.S. cities covered by American City Business Journals. Non-image list available from the database link, through the 'select a city' menu at the top of the landing page.Would you like to read the business news from Silicon Valley, San Francisco or Seattle? What about Boston, Pittsburgh or Atlanta? We now have access to the 44 U.S. geographies published by the American City Business Journals. They come with their associated Book of Lists, rankings of top organizations across many business categories for their respective cities. Regional business news is especially useful for job hunters, those doing market research on companies and studying economic development. Co-funded by the Library and the Rady School of Management. Featured contents:

Note: The San Diego Business Journal is sourced from a different publisher and online vendor, as is a few of the other Southern California titles. See this dedicated link for SoCal business news feeds and Books of Lists.

Frequently Used Resources

Research Help

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Adele Barsh
Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian

UC San Diego Library

University of California, San Diego

9500 Gilman Dr. 0175R

La Jolla, CA 92093-0175
Subjects: Business


Selected subjects for easy browsing:

TIPS: Don't see your favorite topic listed above? You can search your own topics and titles by using UC Library Search. For best results, sign in to UC Library Search using SSO and your email address. To limit to the most recent ebooks, choose the radio button that says "UC San Diego Library Catalog" for your search, then filter the results to online only. Changing the results order from "relevance" to "date: newest first" will show the most recent additions to the ebook collection.

Featured items from among these searches: