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Career Center Staff & Admin - Library Resources & Services

Good Starting Points

Resources that support staff and administration.

Career Counseling Resources via UC Library Search

These links below are convenient, pre-formatted searches that use standard subject tags related to career counseling, and end-user interests such as learning about the workplace. For a more complete list of topics, see the Skills Development tab of this guide.

A quick note here: Diversity in the Workplace is a great starting-point link to use, because that subject heading tends to be a 'catch all" used to tag a wide range of materials. Some of the more specific library terminology used to find resources for/about people who are part of underserved groups still have some problematic subject headings. Others also lack adequate coverage by the mainstream publishing industry. Below is a selected list of some materials that address the workplace needs and experiences of some groups. It's not exhaustive in scope, but easily clickable and will give you some ideas on what's in our collections. If you're interested in finding materials not listed here, try your keyword ideas in the UC Library Search. If you need help, or have ideas for adding more topics to this list (and materials for our collections), let Adele know.

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