Committed to preserving a documentary heritage of the religious, organizational, economic, cultural, personal, social and family life of American Jewry. Includes full access to the Archives' journal.
Organization coordinating the activities and annual conference of more than 75 national and local Jewish genealogical societies around the world. Has links and guides to genealogical resources, including websites of most members.
Maintains collection which pay testimony to the rich history and culture of Germany's Jewish community. Based on resources of the former Jewish Department of the Berlin Museum, has expanded to provide a comprehensive picture of German-Jewish history.
Features materials on Jewish pioneers, railroad builders, ranchers, and merchants; synagogues and religious objects; Crypto-Jews; finding aids for the archive's collections; and transcripts of over 20 oral histories. From the Univ of Arizona Library.
The world's preeminent resources center for East European Jewish Studies; Yiddish language, literature and folklore; and the American Jewish immigrant experience. Founding in Poland in 1925; moved to New York in 1940