The Portal is a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The Portal is managed and developed by IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), with the guidance of its Advisory Board, and was supported in its conception by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
Includes fact book that provides a snapshot of migration and remittances for all countries, regions and income groups of the world, annual remittances data, bilateral migration matrix, and some downloadable datasets.
A platform to access demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Statistics collected by the Census Department:
American Community Survey
American Housing Survey
Annual Surveys of Governments
Census of Governments
Annual Economic Surveys
Decennial Census
Economic Census
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Tabulation
Population Estimates Program
Puerto Rico Community Survey
United States Census data and reports about immigration. Data includes Census 2000 demographic profiles by country of birth. Reports primarily cover special topics and trends.
The database aims to provide comprehensive information on internal displacement worldwide. It covers all countries and territories for which IDMC has obtained data on situations of internal displacement, and provides data on situations of: internal displacement associated with conflict and generalized violence (2009-2022); displacement associated with sudden-onset natural hazard-related disasters (2008-2022)
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (formerly entitled Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service) is published by the US Office of Immigration Statistics, Office of Management, Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Intergovernmental body acting with its partners in the international community to assist in meeting the challenges of migration, advance understanding of migration issues, and uphold the dignity and well-being of migrants. Includes country synopses and publications such as the World Migration Reports.
Demographic research and analysis extracted from the 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses, the American Community Survey, various years of the Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, and migration (which describes movements within the same country or state) and immigration (which describes movements between countries).
Annotated timeline of US immigration policies created by the Immigration and Ethnic History Society. Co-sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin: Center for Asian American Studies, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts ITS
The Immigration Policies in Comparison (IMPIC) project provides a set of sophisticated quantitative indices to measure immigration policies in most OECD countries and for the time period 1980-2018.
Latest edition of annual survey, with profiles of all countries and territories from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Internet Archive version includes captures back to 2007 and archives back to 2000. FDLP Archive version includes downloads back to 2000.
Each online book contains historical and cultural background information on the country it covers. Formerly known as the Area Handbooks from the Department of the Army.
Full text of UNDP Human Development Reports, from 1990 to the next to most current year, plus national Human Development Reports and an excellent statistics section on industrialized and developing countries. Includes the Human Development Index and related indicators for Health, Education, Income/Composition of Resources, Inequality, Gender, Poverty, Work, employment and vulnerability, Human Security, Trade and Financial Flows, Mobility and Communication, Environmental sustainability, Demography, Socio-economic sustainability.
A one-stop-shop for information on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), globally and at the country level. Statistics and project progress information are available by country and by goal.
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) statistical institute website. Includes statistical data sets of world education and literacy indicators, and selected data from the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook.
Provides direct access to official documents reflecting the views of United Nations Member States by bringing together in one place documents available elsewhere.
Datasets are collections of numeric data that can be analyzed using specialized software such as Stata, SPSS, or R.
Put some thought into choosing your search terms and consider synonyms or alternative terms. AND, OR, and NOT can be used to combine or exclude search terms. Check the subject terms listed on your results for additional words to search.
Most databases have a help link. The help screens will usually explain how to best search for variables.
Includes fact book that provides a snapshot of migration and remittances for all countries, regions and income groups of the world, annual remittances data, bilateral migration matrix, and some downloadable datasets.
A non-partisan research organization to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the United States. Downloadable datasets include the 2004 National Survey of Latinos: Politics and Civic Participation, the 2004 National Survey of Latinos: Education, and the 2002 National Survey of Latinos
The Latinobarómetro is an annual survey conducted amongst 18 countries in Latin America. The survey, which has been conducted since 1995, asks respondents about topics such as globalization, democratic governance and political institutions, "social capital," the environment, and gender issues. SSDS has microdata files for this survey starting with 1995.
Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey conducted since 1995 by Latinobarómetro Corporation, a non-profit NGO based in Santiago, Chile. Each survey consists of approximately 19,000 interviews and represents over 400 million inhabitants and, since 2004, covers all 18 Latin American countries.
Many questions are standardized and therefore facilitate time-series analysis. Standardized measures include: attitudes toward democracy, civic culture, economic issues, gender issues, the environment, inequality, social capital, and trade policy. Results of the surveys are of interest to social and political actors, international organizations, governments and the media.
Note: A survey was not conducted in 1999.
Responsible Use Statement
Access to Latinobarometro data is restricted to enrolled students, faculty and staff at UC San Diego. These data may not be copied or redistributed in whole or part to third parties outside of UC San Diego. Please contact Data Services if you have any questions about Latinobarómetro survey data access and usage.
Please note that journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, and other publications or reports that employ Latinobarómetro data should acknowledge Latinobarómetro Corporation as the owner/source of these data and include a statement that the views expressed within the publications are solely those of the author.
Technical Notes
Data files are available for all 12 annual surveys in both SPSS (.sav) and Stata (.dta) formats. The documentation for each survey is also available in PDF format.
Please note that the Stata files differ from the original SPSS files distributed by the vendor in the following ways: 1. variable labels over 80 characters have been truncated to 80 characters, 2. SPSS user-defined missing values appear as regular values in Stata, and 3. variables containing a period character have been converted to an underscore character.
The Latin American Public Opinion Project has produced over sixty surveys analyzing public perceptions of the role of government, political tolerance, citizen participation, and corruption among other issues. Uniquely, it includes The Americas Barometer, which is viewed as the most comprehensive survey of democratic public opinion and behavior that covers the Americas. Data is available for 2004, 2006 and 2008.
Public opinion polls conducted by the European Commission. Surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc.
The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. World's largest archive of social science data. Election data, opinion polls, more. Special collections on Health, Education, Aging, Crime, Substance Abuse. Raw data; no tables. To download data, create a personal account using your email address while accessing the database from a UC San Diego computer, UCSD-PROTECTED wireless, or the VPN.
1935-present. Located at the University of Connecticut, the Roper Center is the principal archive for summary-level (aggregate) and micro-level (raw) public opinion survey data from the major polling organizations in the United States and other nations.