Country reports, risk ratings, industry analysis, daily alerts, and data. **First time users should follow the Create a New Account link, and use your email to register. An activation code will be sent to your email in order for you to complete the registration. Once your account is activated, login happens via UCSD’s Single Sign On.
This resource contains background, trends and risk analysis on countries and regions. EIU is known for its global coverage of current political, economic, and business affairs. It features worldwide industry coverage for automotive, consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare and telecommunications. This EIU Viewpoint platform also includes “China Focus City Data,” which can be accessed under the “More” tab in the upper right corner of the Viewpoint homepage. Former names: Economist Intelligence Unit (UCSD portal), Access China All Cities
There are a number of quality resources to search for public policy information including articles, reports, white papers, and government documents.
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