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Human Rights and Migration: International Statistics, Reports, Documents, & Policy

Country-Level Statistics & General Information

Research guides for cross national data sources by topic

Country profiles

Frequently Used Cross-National Datasets

International & General Policy Research Tools

There are a number of quality resources to search for public policy information including articles, reports, white papers, and government documents.

Google Custom Search Engines for Finding Government and Nongovernmental Publications

►Use these Google Custom Search Engines to search for current online documents, publications, and websites from organizations or governments:

Government & Policy Organizations
Regional Government Information


►Search tip: If you get too many results, try adding one of these words to your search terms:

  • "policy surveillance"
  • "policy tracker"
  • "policy brief"
  • "issue brief"
  • "bill analysis"
  • report
  • strategy
  • plan
  • statistics
  • directory
  • Geographic or administrative divisions - California, San Diego, etc.

►Bonus search tip: Google-powered searches can be limited to pages published during a specific timeframe by using before:[date] and/or after:[date]