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Research Impact Metrics

Here you will find out how and where to find metrics for particular research outputs. We started with journal articles and conference proceedings, and books and book chapters. Other outputs will follow.

What can metrics and other indicators can I expect to find for my particular research or scholarly output?

  • What you will find for a particular output will depend on:
    • Your discipline.
    • The type of output in question: journal articles, books, book chapters, patents, conference papers, etc.
    • The age of the output, and available formats: print, online, both, or something else.
    • How the output is being used and by who: researchers, students, educators, clinicians, grant funders, the public, etc.
  • Not everything is quantitative (book reviews and news coverage, for example). While the quantitative metrics, numbers like times cited and Altmetric scores, do not give you much information on how your work is being used, the data behind these numbers may help you identify more qualitative information on how others are using and engaging with your work.