HuMetricsHSS is an initiative that creates and supports values-enacted frameworks for understanding and evaluating all aspects of the scholarly life well-lived and for promoting the nurturing of these values in scholarly practice. Comprised of individuals working in academic and nonprofit academic–adjacent sectors, the HuMetricsHSS team is committed to establishing humane indicators of excellence in academia, focused particularly on the humanities and social sciences (HSS).
Selecting and using metrics strategically
As you incorporate metrics (and other information) as evidence or indicators of your impact, you want to select and use them strategically and responsibility to support the story you are telling about that impact. (More good tips from the Sam Houston State University Library.)
More resources on using metrics strategically:
A Guide to Using Altmetric Data in Your NIH Biosketch CV is a short guide from Altmetric on incorporating altmetrics in a Biosketch, accompanied by some general examples.
Assessing Impacts in the Humanities and Social Sciences report builds on the 2014 Working Paper (below) by examining in greater detail the key factors that will determine the success of impact assessment efforts, with a focus on the humanities and social sciences.
Judgment and decision-making biases that impact how we weigh options and make choices have been shown to result in inequitable review, promotion, and hiring practices. While recognizing these biases at a personal level is important, creating new structural and institutional conditions to reduce bias can be even more valuable.