This page is intended to provide information and open educational resources for the classroom in higher education.
What steps will we take to make our classrooms ANTI-RACIST? Teachers holding teachers accountable.
By a High School English teacher in Southern California
Instagram post by @teachersforblacklives
Many libraries, research and academic organizations use "Libguides" to create topical and subject specific research guides for their communities. This libguide is one of many created by UC San Diego librarians. You can discover others by searching using a term or search string and "libguide." Some examples of search terms to try include:
See some good examples on the next tab.
The lesson plan on Social Determinants of Health could be easily adapted to many subjects.
Diversity and inclusion
Health disparities
Social determinants of health
See AJPH special issue on health disparities research – frameworks and methods
Use checklists/frameworks to apply an EDI lens to your topic (or PICO question)
Search non-medical databases (since health EDI research is often multidisciplinary)
Public health databases
Psychology databases
Nursing and Allied Health databases
Social sciences databases
Multidisciplinary databases such as Web of Science
Global health databases
Search grey literature databases (since EDI research may be underfunded or experience publication bias)
Recognize other types of publications in the health disparities and equity research space
Public policy papers
Qualitative research studies
Utilize our data and GIS lab to discover issues related to urban planning (for example) and the correlation between issues such as asthma and geography
Avoid “canned searches” and pre-identified search terms
PubMed no longer updates its special queries and recommends a “do-it-yourself model”
Emerging disciplines may not have standardized terms yet
But if you’re curious, try:
PubMed query for health disparities (archived)
Teach with boolean operators and truncations to discover specific issues, ie: [topic] AND (Diversity OR Inequalit* OR Equal* OR Equity OR Disparit* OR Discriminat* OR Inclusiv* OR Exclusiv*)
Harvest terms from:
related article search results
cited reference search results
Teaching For Black Lives: Black students' minds and bodies are under attack. We're fighting back.
Edited By Dyan Watson, Jesse Hagopian, Wayne Au
Teaching for Black Lives grows directly out of the movement for Black lives. We recognize that anti-Black racism constructs Black people, and Blackness generally, as not counting as human life. Throughout this book, we provide resources and demonstrate how teachers connect curriculum to young people’s lives and root their concerns and daily experiences in what is taught and how classrooms are set up. We also highlight the hope and beauty of student activism and collective action.