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Tax Notes User Guide: tips on navigation, free content, search features, setting up email alerts and more.Use this link to get to the UCSD subscription to The Economist online, which covers recent contents. We also have a special link for The Economist Historical Archive (covers 1823-2015).
Nexis Uni has nearly 1000 fulltext online newletters that provide constantly-updated analysis about the regulatory environment of business and Washington policy making. This timely content is uncovered simply by doing a News search on the Nexis Uni home page.
You also may limit your search specifically to these newsletters by path: Sources > Browse Sources > News > Newsletters or doing a title search in Find Soures, if you know the title you want.
Example: Inside Washington Publishers group contains 25+ titles on a range of topics, including – California Energy & Climate Report, Clean Energy Report, Health Exchange Alert, Inside Cal/EPA, Inside EPA Weekly Report, Inside Health Reform, Inside US-China Trade, Water Policy Report, and more.
Although you can search across all of them inside the Newsletters search in Nexis Uni, some titles have direct links: