Industry associations frequently are useful sources of news about market size and trends within an industry. The easiest way to identify potential publications from these sources is through using ProQuest Statistical Insight. Search by topic or association name (if known).
The resources below contain overviews or industries and statistical information. Often they will list major competitors and performance benchmarks.
These resources cover background on industries or companies from a risk analysis perspective.
Provides economic studies, company & industry reports, country risk, economic and industrial statistics, and political news with a focus on emerging market countries. Covers public & private companies & global industry reports. Includes interactive data analysis tools & news alerts. Excellent China coverage.
Workspace provides financial and economic data, news, equity reports, and company & industry analysis. Its international in scope and covers both public and private company information. Workspace is most often used for investment analysts’ reports, public company financials & filings, business news, economic indicators, stock prices, and data, and a variety of instruments (bonds, commodities, currencies, ETFs, futures, indexes, options and more). Unique content includes ESG data, performance forecasts & consensus estimates, deals & transactions (M&A, IPOs, venture capital & private equity). Download limit of 150 pages per day, reset daily at midnight local time. New users complete self-registration here -
Workspace is only available to UC San Diego students, faculty, and staff; only for non-commercial, academic research. It replaces ThomsonONE/Investext and Datastream, and now works across several browsers.
Register only once; otherwise login to Workspace using the main link. You may use web or desktop app version (includes the Workspace add-in for Excel), once you are registered.
NOTE: When you register for Refinitiv Workspace to do market research and company research, here are the licenses to ask for: Workspace for Students; AMR add-on for Students. (AMR="advanced market research" package).
Country reports, risk ratings, industry analysis, daily alerts, and data. Includes country reports on automotive and health/pharmaceutical sectors. UCSD SSO is required for access.