Our subscription contains the OMNI Accounting Library of CCH U.S. federal and state tax publications, notably the Standard Federal Tax Reporter, the Federal Estate and all 50 State Law Reporters, tax law, cases, IRS Code and Letter Rulings, the U.S. Master Tax Guide, and other in-depth analysis of tax issues. Also publication cover the federal taxation of financial products, such as: Financial Products: Taxation, Regulation and Design, by Andrea Kramer; and Federal Income Taxation of Debt Instruments, by David Garlock. Coverage: Note: some may remember this product used to be called CCH IntelliConnect.
Additional available resources
CCH Accounting Research Manager (ARM)
This part of CCH is a comprehensive source for researching your accounting topics.
To access, you first must have created a CCH IntelliConnect account while you are on campus/on the vpn client. The ARM link is at the bottom of that page, if you already are logged in. (see the "Log in to your other CCH products" in the footer of the page). Or, use the ARM link here.
Search here for:
FASB Codification ⁃ Accounting Standards ⁃ Interpretations ⁃ Checklists ⁃ Current Development Updates ⁃ “A Closer Look” Topic Analysis
Sections include:
Accounting and SEC – contains: accounting standards and summaries of significant accounting matters by topic, presented in the same order as the FASB Codification, with links to authoritative and interpretive literature from FASB and IASB; summaries of significant IAS/IFRS accounting matters that correspond to U.S. GAAP summaries; ARM interpretations; U.S. and international authoritative and proposal-stage literature.
FASB content – current Codification, plus historical statements and interpretations, staff positions, technical bulletins, special reports, implementation guides and proposal-stage literature.
AICPA content – audit and attest standards, guides for accounting and audit, Statements of Position and related proposal-stage literature. Also includes older material issued by AICPA prior to 2009.
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) content –
Daily and weekly updates from numerous sources provide issues summaries, information on changes and proposals, projects and meetings. Sources include AICPA, IASB, FASB’s EITF (Emerging Issues Task Force), PCC (Private Company Council), IASB, SEC, PCAOB, IFRS and GASB.
Access requires IP authentication, so you must be on the UCSD-Protected network (on campus) or the vpn client (off-campus; choose Group:allthruucsd). (Faculty login here). Additional info:
This top resource for accounting professional practice and academic research includes many types of information: accounting & auditing guides and standards; federal and state law reporters; international financial reporting and taxation materials; interpretations and research articles; news and updates; and tools and tables.
There are three ways to access: IP authentication (on campus via UCSD-Protected network or VPN client; limited to 35 simultaneous users), Faculty IDs or Student IDs via Registration (student ID’s expire twice a year).
Specific contents of the federal and state tax package include:
Contents of the state and local tax package include:
Other content and tools:
Accounting standards academic packages:
Below are additional major research tools that are comprehensive. They cover journal and news publications on accounting, taxation, business, economics, ethics, law, mathematics, psychology, taxation, politics, public policy and related topics.
Use these to find academic articles on your topics. Which you select will depend on what subject area(s) are relevant to your topic.
This resource contains background, trends and risk analysis on countries and regions. EIU is known for its global coverage of current political, economic, and business affairs. It features worldwide industry coverage for automotive, consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare and telecommunications. This EIU Viewpoint platform also includes “China Focus City Data,” which can be accessed under the “More” tab in the upper right corner of the Viewpoint homepage. Former names: Economist Intelligence Unit (UCSD portal), Access China All Cities