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Accounting Resources: Find SIC/NAICS

This research guide provides high quality resources for Masters of Accounting program and others studying accounting at UC San Diego

How do I determine my companies' SIC or NAICS codes?

Look within in Business Insights: Global

Use the Company Finder search (under the Companies tab in the top menu bar).

In the results list, you will see profile information. Public companies have a ticker symbol, the exchange, SIC and NAICS codes, and fiscal year will be noted.

Hint: If you have only one company and want to find another, use BI:Global to find the SIC/NAICS for the first company, then use the code in the Company search, in the appropriate search box. Doing that will yield a list of companies in the same industry.

Note to Mgt 469 students: Remember to pay attention about the stock exchange; you need to use companies that do not trade OTC.