print edition in Geisel Library
also in print in Geisel Library
print edition in Geisel Library
print edition in Geisel Library
print edition in Geisel Library
print edition in Geisel Library
If you have the information about an article or book, you can use one of the tools below to put it in the right format.
From our friends at Zotero - a tool for the quick generation of a citation using a URL, DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID, PMID, or just the item's title.
A free tool from Calvin College's Hekman Library. Choose from MLA, APA, & Chicago citation styles.
Click on the Resource Type then enter the information in the form. Not as automated as EasyBib, but a clear and easy form to use.
Another library-created tool is from NC State University Libraries. It has is the most simplified of the tools - choose the type of resource you have, fill out the information, and then select either APA or MLA citation style. Click Submit. It is ready to copy & paste.
The most robust of the tools and also the more difficult one to use. The advantage is the additional style types, particularly Engineering types. You will also be able to reuse citations, but you do have to type in the information.
Endnote, Endnote Web, Mendeley, Zotero. For comparison, please refer to this guide