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CHEM 6C: General Chemistry III (Brydges, Spring 2022): Finding Scholarly/Popular Sources

Resources for Chem 6C (Brydges) - Spring 2022

A common question: where to begin your search?  With a popular source on your topic, or a scholarly source?.

Here are a few ways you may want to approach this.

Starting with a Popular Source

Maybe you start with Chemistry World, C&EN Global Enterprise, or another popular resource that covers science news. These often highlight recent journal articles on topic being covered. You may find these articles helpful for your essay, or provide a launching point to find related articles.


Starting with a Scholarly Source

Maybe you started with a topic search in Web of Science and found an interesting article: Emergent constraint on Arctic Ocean acidification in the twenty-first century. You go to Nature to read the article and decide to use it. Now you want to find a popular source on your topic. There are several approaches you can take:

  • See if the journal provides any "metrics" for the article. Most publishers work with a company (Altmetric or Plum Analytics) to provide metrics on the attention that an article received. This includes social media like tweets, Wikipedia entries, and media coverage on the article. In the case of Altmetric, you may see a button with Altmetric and a number, or even a multicolored donut with a number, like this. altmetric donutThe "donut" or button will take you to a page with details about the attention metrics, including media coverage. Some of these may be short news blurbs, but there's also a longer article from a Canadian environmental news site called The Narwhal (Arctic Ocean acidification could reach levels far greater than predicted if emissions stay high: study)
  • Use Academic Search Complete to find magazine and newspaper articles on Arctic Ocean acidification. Or Factiva.
  • Search Google News for news articles on arctic ocean acidification. If you want to limit further, you can include Nature in the search to find anything that references the original article.