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Mexican Studies: Government Resources

Guide to Resources for Research on Mexico at UCSD and the greater San Diego-Baja Region and beyond

US Government Resources

There are many strategies for finding relevant US government resources. As stated above, a great starting point is the UCSD US Government Information Research Guide.  The databases, websites, and print guides/indexes listed below are also excellent.  Several of these resources will help you identify specific publications (with call numbers that you can browse around to find more) that will have information on your topic.  Finally, you can simply go to the shelves with print documents (Geisel 2W) and browse by call number.  In order to find out which call number to browse in, you need to understand that US government documents and publications are organized by the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification Scheme, which is based on US government agencies.  In order to see how these classification numbers are structured and to identify the abbreviations (stems of the classification numbers) have been assigned to different agencies, see this tutorial you can use this provided by the US Federal Depository Library Program.

Please note that I have listed the following resources are in order of my own preference (mostly because of ease of searching), but all resources below are very important.

ProQuest Congressional  

Congressional sources provide information on virtually every topic imaginable, including any topic in foreign relations or in another country with which the US government was/is concerned. Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports are often excellent starting points for research topics, because these are studies carried out by subject experts at the Library of Congress for government employees and members of congress, and included excellent summaries and bibliographies.

National Security Archive 

An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University, collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. It provides the most comprehensive collection available of significant primary documents central to US foreign and military policy since 1945. UCSD LIbrary also subscribes to its supplementary database, the Digital National Security Archive which provides additional information.

U.S. Declassified Documents Online  

Full text of documents from various government agencies: the White House, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department and others, declassified by the U.S. government, and obtained from Presidential Libraries.

Digital National Security Archive  

Provides access to nearly 40,000 declassifed government documents from 1945 to present, organized into collections, each focused on a single topic. See also the National Security Archive website, which provides access to additional documents and information.

Foreign Relations of the United States 

Official diplomatic record of U.S. relations with other countries. Contains important speeches, communiques, and other communications of State Department officials and diplomats. There is a delay (approximately 30-40 years) in the release of information as it becomes declassified.

Reports from U.S. Diplomats stationed in particular Latin American Countries, Including:

Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Europe and Latin America, 1960-1969

The Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files are reports by diplomats on the political, military, social, and economic events and developments in the countries in which they are stationed.  As such, they have unique and very important information for researchers.

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the U.S. and particular Latin American Countries and Dispatches from U.S. Consuls and Ministers in specific countries are also available in World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean

Catalog of US Government Documents 

Keyword Searchable Online Index to Government Documents Provided by the U.S. Government

Federal Digital System (FDsys) 

GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides public access to Government information submitted by Congress and Federal agencies. It includes the content previously available in GPO Access and more.

Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States 

1995 Print Version available in :
US Docs, Geisel Floor2 West AE 1.108:G 94 (3 vol.)

The index to this guide is very helpful in identifying relevant collections in microfilm and other formats which can be used at the Archives themselves, or, in many cases, at other libraries. UCSD holds some of these and many others can borrowed through inter-library loan. Such holdings include copies of many collections from foreign archives.

US Government Documents Registry 

Online, Keyword-Searchable Index to Government Documents Provided by the Haithi Trust

 Historical Statistics of the United States 

Although this ebook draws on various sources of information, government information, government resources comprise a significant portion of these. 

Excellent starting point to identifying and accessing government resources.

Mexican Government Resources

Mexican Republic (Federal) Government Website 

Click on "Dependencias" to get to

  • 19 separate government agency websites (dependencias), including: Gobernación; Relaciones Exteriores; Defensa Nacional; Marina; Hacienda y Crédito Público; Desarrollo Social; Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales; Energía; Economía; Educación; Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación; Comunicaciones y Transportes; Función Pública; Salud; Trabajo y Previsión Social; Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano; Turismo; Cultura; Consejería Jurídica del Ejecutivo Federal; Procuraduría General de la República
  • 231 Entidades de la Administracion Publica Federal y Empresas productivas del estado 
  • 32 Entidades federativas (Mexican Provinces or States)

Official Website for Chamber of Deputies in Mexico 

Official Website for Senate in Mexico 

Official Website for Mexican Supreme Court 

Official Website for Presidency of the Republic of Mexico 

An excellent portal to many Latin American government resources is LANIC's Government Link (on its homepage). You can explore Latin American government websites by country, subject, branch (i.e. Law & Justice, Military, Political Parties), etc.

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico) 

Provides Access to Contemporary and Historical Mexican Census Data

Latin American Government Documents Archive (LAGDA) 

Web-archiving service capturing ministries and presidents of 18 Latin American countries. Compiled by the University of Texas at Austin.

Political Database of the Americas 

Extensive information about political systems, constitutions, electoral data, political parties, indigenous peoples, democracy and political participation in most Latin American countries. Maintained at Georgetown University.

Presidential Messages -- Argentina and Mexico 

Contains digital images of Mexican and Argentinian presidential speeches from the early 19th century to the present. Compiled by the Latin American Research Resources Project of the Center for Research Libraries.

UN, Human Rights, and Other International Government Organizations


United Nations

Human Rights Organizations

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

International Labor Organization (ILO)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

World Bank

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Trade Organization (WTO)


Government Resources from Other Countries

Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969 Licensed by UCSD 

The documents of Confidential Print: Latin America are full text records of the British Foreign Office covering the whole of South and Central America, plus the non-British islands of the Caribbean, from just after the final Spanish withdrawal from mainland America in the 1820s to the height of the Cold War in the 1960s. The series originated out of a need to preserve the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. These range from single-page letters or telegrams to comprehensive dispatches, investigative reports and texts of treaties. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet, and to heads of British missions abroad.

Additional Resources

Selected Bibliography of US Government and International Documents on Latin America and the Caribbean 

Selected Bibliography of US Government and International Documents on Latin America and the Caribbean
Maintained by the American Library Association's Government Document's Round Table

UCSD's U.S. Government Information Research Guide  

This provides a great introduction to major access points and strategies to find U.S. government resources.

UCSD's Law Research Guide  

This guide organizes resources into US, California, International, Local and Municipal and other categories (such as the History of Law). The International Law tab is particularly useful for finding information about Latin American Law (including accessing the laws themselves).

 Pages with Resources by Theme on this guide -- including:


United Nations

Foreign Census Material


There are many resources provided by UCSD Library and others' to search for Latin American Census Information:

1. Online Family Search Library (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City)

The online collection holds digitized versions of much of the microfilm created by the Church and housed in its physical Library.

To search for and access material for a particular region, create an account and go to the FamilySearch Wiki:

Use the Map or “Search By Place and Topic” box.  This will bring you to a country specific page where you can search for a more specific term or use the facet menu on the right to identify particular kinds of records and collections (church, census, etc.)

For an example of how to use the Family Search Library Wiki to find particular materials, see the instructions on accessing the Mexican Padrones below.


2. A helpful resource to identify existing information -- which may be digitized on the wiki is the following:

A Guide to Latin American and Caribbean census material : a bibliography and union list by general editor, Carole Travis 

Call Number: Geisel Reference Floor 2 West HA755 .G85 1990

Publication Date: Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, 1990


3. The Library has purchased Datasets for relatively recent censuses in a number of Latin American Countries


  • Mexico 2010, Population Census, GCA-GIS
  • Brazil, 2010, Population Census, GCA-GIS
  • El Salvador, 2007, Population Census, GCA-GIS
  • Guatemala, 2018, Population Census, GCA-GIS
  • Honduras, 2013, Population Census, GCA-GI

All of these can be found in the “Latin America Census Collection” and accessed with AD login on the X: drive in the GIS Lab.

4. Mexican Census Material:

The Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico) provides access to much contemporary and historical Mexican census data

To get to Mexico’s first census (the Padrones, gathered between 1752-1865) (as well as additional Census Material) in the Online Family Search Library Wiki

> search for Mexico, which will take you to the Mexico Genealogy Page.

> Clilck on “Census” under record type on the left (please note that you can also search for other formats and collections of vital statistics) OR search for Padrones

(Either brings you to the Mexico Census page)

> Scroll down and click on: Padrones, 1752-1865

Once you are in, scroll down and click on the camera to access different sections of digitized microfilm.

Scroll down – click on the camera icon